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"She would go to New York once a year... and the whole dance world would come to see what she was doing."


Carol Doty has been on the Board of the Morrison-Shearer Foundation since 2002 and has served as its Chair since 2006. â€‹She is presently editing Volume Three of Sybil Shearer's autobiography, Within This Thicket. She worked at the Morton Arboretum for 37 years and volunteered with Friends of the Clearing.


August 30, 2018: Carol Doty was interviewed at her home in Downers Grove. She explained how she met Sybil Shearer through her work with landscape conservationist Jens Jensen and talks about how their acquaintance led her to serve on the board of the Morrison-Shearer Foundation. She discussed Sybil Shearer's legacy and read excerpts from her autobiography and her archival papers.

"Sybil never answered the phone or the doorbell... she just didn't have to do anything but create."

"She didn't really want her dances done by anybody else."

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